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Chattopadhyay Lab Takes Bite Out of Big Apple

Delicious! We've (well, really, I've) started the transition to NYU.

So far, so good. This is going to be fun!

I'll be Associate Professor (Pathology) and Director of a new Applied Immunology Core. We'll be part of the Isaac and Laura Perlmutter Cancer Center, at NYU-Langone Medical Center. Our group will build a cutting-edge research program that integrates high parameter analysis of protein and transcript expression, in order to provide new (and unique) information about cell fate and destiny during an immune response.

We'll also use this integrated, high content approach to reveal more sensitive biomarkers of disease. This will support and advance precision medicine efforts. Our early focus will be on biomarkers for cancer immunotherapy, but we'll also collaborate with clinicians across a wide range of disciplines. NYU offers a great setting to build this kind of program... the research and medical communities are tightly integrated with one another, so we can truly participate in the bench to bedside paradigm.

We are looking for technicians, post-docs, and students... so please contact me, if you're interested! We're also excited to collaborate start new collaborations.

Let the fun begin!

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© 2019.  Pratip K. Chattopadhyay.


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The rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain.


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