Polychromatic Flow Cytometry Resources from My Zurich Lecture
Wrapping up my wonderful visit to Zurich. It was fun teaching at the Zurich Cytometry School today, seeing old friends, and making new...
What to Expect When You're Expecting
What? Why is Pratip writing about pregnancy? No, we don't have that kind of announcement (LOL!). But... my commentary on a very...
Get Ready for CYTO 2019
I've been elected to chair the scientific program for CYTO2019, the International Society for the Advancement of Cytometry's (ISAC's)...
Thanks to my friends at Stanford...
This is the way to thank your speakers! A super cool T-shirt! Among the immunology puns on the back: "We go with the flow. We get our...
Integrating Protein and Transcript Expression
An important principle in our work is to maximize the information we get from precious patient specimens. To that end, technologies that...
You are only as good as your reagents...
Reproducibility of scientific studies is a major issue, and a contributing factor is the quality and proper use of reagents. Biocompare,...
Ring of Fire Plots
"I fell into a burning ring of fire..." (Johnny Cash, 1963) One of the challenges of working with high parameter data is how complicated...
Upcoming Talk
I'll be speaking at the ABRF (the Association of Biomolecular Research Facilities) Annual Meeting on March 27th, 2017. I'll be in the...
Upcoming Talk
I'll be giving one of the plenary talks at the Canadian Microscopy and Cytometry Symposium, along with a Flow Cytometry Workshop....
Conquering Your Conference
Here's a repost of a LinkedIn article I wrote. Earlier this month, I was asked to present a career development talk at CYTO2015, the...